【同义词辨析】 2020-01-30 减缓delay-detain

delay: implies a holding back, usually by interference, from completion or arrival: bad weather ~ed our return.  另见2018-05-09 拖延delay-dally       (hold back阻挡阻碍to prevent or restrict the advance or progress or development of something,如he was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back他那么急躁, 我简直不住他,如they built dykes and dam to hold back the rising flood waters他们修筑了堤坝来阻挡上涨的洪水)

retard: applies chiefly to motion and suggests a slowing, often by interference: language barriers ~ed their rate of learning.

slow: often used with up or down, also implies a reduction of speed, often with deliberate intention: the engineer ~ed the train.

slacken: suggests an easing up or relaxing of power or effort: he needs to ~ his pace if he intends to finish the race.

detain: implies a holding back beyond a reasonable or appointed time, often with resulting delay: unexpected business had ~ her.

delay延迟耽误: 指干扰完成到达,retard阻碍: 指动作受干扰而变慢,slow减速: 和up down联用,指有意减速,slacken放缓: 表示减小用力,detain超期停留、拘留: 指超出合理预定时间,即延迟

记忆方法: 1)首字母DRSSD想成穿衣DRESS,需用D替换E<==减缓    ""作形容词时表示"",与""相对,例缓步缓行缓和;作动词时表示"延迟延期",如缓刑迟缓,如<孟子·滕文公上>:"民事不可缓也";本意是"放宽衣带"使从容自在,如缓带缓服,现很少用。都会导致本组cause to be late or behind迟到落后

        2)减缓的意思使减速延期mean to cause to be late or behind in movement or progress.